Decluttering 101: How to Live Your Best Life in the New Year

It's 2021 and more than ever we all need a fresh start! Full of optimism, new ideas and experiences, looking forward to living your best life in the gift of a new year!

In the infamous year of 2020,  many of us were blindsided with needing to create make-shift working and schooling spaces in our home- spreading to the outdoors whenever possible. Cluttered spaces for multiple uses (clearing the kitchen island of laptops and files in order to make a dinner anyone)?

It's time folks, time to declutter your home, out with anything unusable. Create your beauty and function inside and outside your home, where you'll be thrilled to spend lots of time. Let's set the stage for a happy and healthy new year ahead. I'm here to show you how...

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1. Sort in Small Blocks of Time

Let's begin by breaking this down into smaller time pieces. No more than 1 room a day, 2-3 hours a day.  Anything more, such as trying to tackle multiple rooms at once, will set the stage for overwhelm, and possibly unfinished projects. Keep calm, and go room by room, take your coffee (or wine) breaks haha. This can happen over the course of weeks or months, it does not all need to be done in a week!

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2. Don't Get Stuck on Sentimental Items

It's easy when going through old items, to get stuck on sentimental items. Take a little time to go through those albums, but don't get stuck in the pile. Set those items aside to ruminate at the end of the day, when you're relaxed and can enjoy. Anything that is not useful, and adding to the clutter, never feel guilty about letting it go. Take a photo of it,  and remove in order to create the physical and mental space removing it will bring.

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3. Purge with a Partner

Let your partner, a best friend, or family member help you decide what to keep and what to donate. Make sure it's someone who is partial to your items, it will help to have a trusted second opinion.

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4. Find New Uses for Your Favorites

Repurposing items in useful ways is not only practical,  it gives the opportunity to enjoy these items longer. Is there serving dish that's beautiful but a bit impractical (hard to wash, delicate, etc.)? Use it on your front entry console to as decor, or on your bedroom dresser for jewelry such as rings and bracelets warn daily.

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5. Take Inventory & Repeat the Process

Decluttering does not need to be done all at once. It also is an ongoing process,  as things come in,  make sure things are also going out. Clear your physical and mental space for new and this NEW YEAR!

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