How to Discover Your Ideal Design Aesthetic

I find that most people have a distinct aesthetic (sense of what they like and don't like), but rarely do I come across anyone with one single style. Unless you're copying a photo of a room designed with a single technique, piece by piece, you're likely to have a combination of styles that appeal to you. This is what makes your interiors a reflection of you and your family, your personal tastes, memories, and how you wish to live your life.

I'll share some steps you can take on your own, and with curated images and sincere questioning, we discover and create your artful design.

Suzanne Rugg Interior Design | Desert Ridge Project

Suzanne Rugg Interior Design | Desert Ridge Project

1. How to Get Design Inspiration for Your Own Home

I can’t express enough the importance of inspirational images to convey word meaning. All of us have a different way of creating meaning from words. The word "modern" for instance, will relay different mind imagery in a 40yr old professional, than it would to a 20yr old recent graduate with much less life experience. This is where the value of photo images come into play, so that your "modern" style meets what I would picture as my "modern" style.

The best way to find visual images of interiors you like or dislike, is to find shelter magazines and clip pages that appeal to you. Online tools are so easy as well. Join sites like Pinterest, or Dwell, and save images to an album. Go with your gut, and save the photos of rooms you like, even if you don't know what you like about them! This is how the curation of your design plan starts.

2. How to Find Your Design Themes

NOW it's time to go through your Pinterest boards and magazine clippings to find common design aesthetics. Is there hardwood and a rug in every space? Dramatic drapery? Very clean, modern lines? This is also what I'll be doing for you before creating your design concept.

I also like to know what you don't like about a room. Pin a few photos of styles that conjur up a negative feeling, feels harsh to you, and uncomfortable for whatever reason. This is worth almost as much as your preferences.

Suzanne Rugg Interior Design | Desert Ridge Kitchen

Suzanne Rugg Interior Design | Desert Ridge Kitchen

3. How to Make Interior Design Unique to You

Once I have the curated images, we discuss the common themes. I use the design details you love, maybe mix in some items you already own, and add a touch of designer's eye. This will create an aesthetic and space that feels personal to you, but with a bit of an unexpected surprise or two! (After all, isn't this is why you hire a designer)?

Your newly designed room's function, how you'd like the space to feel, and your lifestyle, will all influence the way your aesthetic is expressed in your home. If your kitchen is the hub of your home, where kid's homework is done as well as all the entertaining, your family room might be a calm, quiet space reserved just for relaxing. Though the same aesthetic, these rooms with differing functions will have a sense of their own, and differ in how each appeals to you.

Suzanne Rugg Interior Design | Desert Ridge Lifestyle

Suzanne Rugg Interior Design | Desert Ridge Lifestyle

So start exploring! Send me your images of your loves and hates for your interior space! I'm excited to create a design and aesthetic in your home for you to love!

Ready to start planning your one-of-a-kind dream space? Let's chat!


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