Our 3 Best Design Tips for Your Empty Nest

Do you identify as an empty nester? If so, congratulations on surviving years of time-outs, spilled milk, homework, and countless bouts of flu seasons over the years! Now it’s time to start enjoying some peace and relaxation in a home that you can dedicate to your greatest desires and whims!

Today, I’m sharing how design differs at this new stage of life and what important factors you should consider… 

1. Self-Focused Style

You’ve put years of time, effort, and energy into others, and now it’s time to embrace what you love. Think about what is most meaningful to you, alongside your memories and favorite places, which will be very helpful in determining your empty nester home designs. 

2. Creatively Repurpose Rooms

Look at the unused spaces in your home that you can creatively repurpose. For example, you can convert a dining room into a space for your specific interests, like a library, lounge, home bar, yoga studio, home gym, etc. 

If you covet relaxation, working on hobbies, and reading a good book, you may want a floor plan with a hobby room and a sitting nook. Customizing underutilized areas is all about what you want now!

3. Enhance Your Home’s Features and Amenities

A plus about downsizing is that you can often afford to add features and amenities that you hadn’t considered in the past, such as a luxurious primary suite. It could also mean better appliances, more excellent fixtures, and finishes to enhance your new lifestyle. 

If you envision entertaining more, you may want to add or upgrade your kitchen island and add modern amenities to create a luxury outdoor kitchen. These attributes bring immediate experiential and resale value.

Embrace this exciting time which is now unabashedly all about you! So dare to dream big and let me help you customize your home in ways you may have never imagined. I love bringing dreams to life and look forward to making your cherished dreams a reality! Shall we get started? 

If you're ready to create an empty nest all about YOU, reach out to us. We can't wait to hear about your project for this new chapter.

