How to Design a Home that Fits Your Lifestyle


Our lifestyle greatly enriches our daily lives and fills our days with enjoyment and fulfillment. When designing any space within a home, you should consider and pay careful attention to your hobbies, interests, and daily routines. Don't let this become an afterthought during your design process! Today we're sharing three tips for designing a home that fits your lifestyle...

Create Space for Your Hobbies and Interests

Take a moment to consider your top interests and prioritize where and how to incorporate spaces to support them. Are you a movie buff that would love your own private home theater with the latest technology and surround sound? Or would a yoga or fitness studio or crafting space make your heart flutter? 

Based on your preferences, could your interests facilitate creating multi-functional spaces?


Designate Storage for All Your Stuff

Consider what items you use the most when engaging in your interests at home. If you fancy yourself a Top Chef, think about the space you'll need to accommodate your culinary tools & gadgets for easy accessibility. 

Would adding built-ins or shelving to a room make storing items such as indoor workout gear, books, or crafting items easier? Should you consider adding garage shelving to neatly store tools or sports equipment?


Choose Materials That Work for You

Now that you have an idea of how to factor lifestyle solutions into your home renovation design let's consider what assortment of materials to incorporate. 

Do you have kids, pets, or a revolving door of constant guests? Opt for visually appealing durable fabrics and finishes that will go the distance. If you live a particularly active lifestyle, selecting the right tile flooring in the mudroom will certainly matter!


We shared so much to consider when designing a home that will cater to your unique lifestyle. As design professionals, we provide guidance and expertise that skillfully takes the guesswork out for you, so you can start enjoying doing what you love most! If you're ready to create a one-of-a-kind space perfectly suited to your daily life, contact us below. We can't wait to hear about your project.

Do you need some help preparing for your remodel? Grab my free guide!
